

  • The nine planets used in Vedic astrology are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
  • These are known in Sanskrit as Ravi or Surya, Chandra, Mangal or Kuja, Budh, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu, respectively.
  • Rahu and Ketu do not have English names.

Please see brief descriptions below:

Sun’s characteristics, sign ()  
Appearance and Nature:

  • Over-all a good personality, strong bones, courageous, brownish eyes, intelligent, stable voice and a serious nature;
  • Sun also stands for health, anger, proudness, selfish, aggressive, self-confident, and honest and tendencies to spend money;
  • Sun likes to display authority and a temperamental attitude.

Responsible For:

  • Heart, Eyes, Bones, Stomach, Digestion Power, Spinal Column;
  • Sun is the main heavenly body responsible for the Self; the life force that personifies an individual;
  • It is the main star / planetary body and through its rays all other planets get their light and energy;
  • A weak Sun may be caused by placement of Sun in:
    • Its sign of debility (Libra);
    • In difficult houses ( 6th, 8th, 12th );
    • Malefic aspects from Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.
    • A strong sun will provide leadership, independence, intelligence and insight;
    • It’s beneficial for persons with Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius ascendants.
Moon’s characteristics, sign ()  
Appearance and Nature:

  • Beautiful with soft and roundish features, sweet voice, mentally always on the move, tendency to have cough and phlegm, soft and fine hair;
  • Moon is our emotion, and since emotions are the primary drivers of our social behaviours, Moon governs the way in which an individual appears in the society – at large;
  • In Vedic Astrology, the Moon sign is said to be the determinant of the Personality. As such, a weakness or affliction of the natal Moon casts a number of negative influences on the personality.
  • Moon also controls water. And since our body is 90% water, Moon controls our body through our minds.

Responsible For

  • Uterus, Lungs, Heart and the brain.


  • Instability caused by lack of confidence;
  • Inability to relate to other people – Easily disturbed by stress/strain of human contact;
  • Lack of clarity in thoughts caused by emotional instability;
  • Irresponsible and bitterness caused by lack of self-contentment.

A strong moon is known for:

  • Happiness and intelligence;
  • Humble, honest and creative;
  • Peace loving and self-contentment.
Mars’s characteristics, sign ()  

  • In 1965 Mariner 4 was the first spacecraft to visit Mars and currently Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey and Mars Express are in operation;
  • It is the fourth planet from the Sun, and also known as the red planet due to its red colour;
  • For the Greeks, it is the god Ares, the god of War. The Romans called it the god of agriculture and it is associated with the month of March;
  • Its orbit is elliptical and the average temperature is about 218 K. Though smaller than Earth, its surface area is about the same as the land surface area of Earth;
  • Like Mercury and Moon, Mars appears to lack active plate tectonics at present. But there is clear evidence of erosion in many places including large floods and small river systems. It has two satellites—Phobos and Deimos.


  • Amongst the metals, Mars is tin, ruby, coral, jewels, gold, copper and minerals;
  • In the vegetable world it is tree, cashew, coffee, ginger, lotus and pepper;
  • In the animal world, it rules over snakes, rams, jackal, cats, monkeys, tigers, vultures and carnivorous animals;
  • In the body, it rules over blood, bone marrow and can lead to problems connected to heat, bile loss of virility, wounds and ailments;
  • Amongst the kith and kin, it is relatives and brothers. In the places, it is found in kitchen, underworld, butchery, hide-outs, hall of the rulers and land;
  • The faculties associated with it are valour, strength, anger, charitable nature, sight, fondness, steadfastness, shortness, fame, desire, and firmness of limbs, skill in archery, strength of enemy, leanness, speech, cruelty and stamina;
  • It carries weapons, rules over people, fights, has enemies, loves deep red objects, looks at obstacles, is youthful, and is in favour of king and power;
  • On the communal level, people associated with Mars are kings, thieves, goldsmiths, commander of armies and cooks;
  • In a woman’s horoscope the role of Mars is important to judge the happiness in marriage as it is seen for virility and vigour.
Mercury’s characteristics, sign ()  

  • The closest planet to the Sun, Mercury is slightly smaller in diameter than the moons Ganymede and Titan but twice as massive;
  • Mercury has been known since the time of the Sumerians (3rd millennium BC). It was given two names by the Greeks: Apollo for its apparition as a morning star and Hermes as an evening star;
  • It is closer to the Sun than the Earth and has been visited by only one spacecraft, Mariner 10. Temperature variations on Mercury range from 90 K to 700 K;
  • In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery. It is also considered as the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the God.


  • If we see the traits of Mercury from the astrological viewpoint, it represents ornaments and compound substances, betel leaves, grass, plants without fruits, horses, birds and parrots;
  • On the physical level, it is skin, neck, navel, sex organs.
  • Amongst the diseases connected to it are skins, bile, wind, phlegm.
  • It is found in treasuries, fine places, heavens, towers of temples, garden, library, temples;
  • In relationships, it is connected to maternal grandfather and younger co-borns.
  • In society, it denotes transvestites, infantry, children, clerks;
  • Amongst the faculties, it is knowledge, speech, lecturing, humility, fear, devotion, self-control, tendency to laugh, well versed in religious texts, and scholar;
  • On the abstract level, it denotes education, sculpture, astrology, commerce, Vedanta, bad dreams, religious rites, season and dancing evenness;
  • At other levels, it is seen for scripts, writing, new clothes, construction of palaces, pilgrimages.
Jupiter’s characteristics, sign ()  
Appearance and Nature

  • A large body, intelligent and scholarly;
  • A bigger stomach, sweet voice and tendency to be lazy due to a heavy body and over-eating tendencies.

Responsible For

  • Lungs, Liver, Nerves, Blood and Digestion;
  • Jupiter stands for Wisdom; a key to life’s challenges;
  • It is the planet of optimism and wealth.


  • Lack of joy, enthusiasm;
  • Depression and melancholy;
  • Financial difficulties;
  • Delay or even denial of parenthood;
  • Suspicious and egoistic nature.
Venus’s characteristics, sign ()  

  • Mariner 2 was the first spacecraft to visit Venus in 1962;
  • One of the brightest objects in the sky and usually visible to the naked eye. Venus is the sixth largest and the second planet from the Sun. Its orbit is nearly circular with an eccentricity of less than 1 per cent;
  • Venus’ rotation is both slow and retrograde;
  • In addition, the periods of Venus’ rotation and of its orbit are synchronised such that it always presents the same face toward Earth when the two planets are at their closest approach;
  • Venus is slightly smaller than Earth, both have few craters, their densities and chemical compositions are similar;
  • Venus has no magnetic field or satellites;
  • On 8th June 2004, Venus passed directly between the Earth and the Sun. This was a rare event—the last being in 1882 and the next one to come is in 2012.


  • Venus is the goddess of love and beauty according to all ancient civilisations;
  • Venus is also all about our relationships, and attributed to it is the power to restore life into anything. A well placed Venus should give you all earthly pleasures;
  • So when we look at Venus in the horoscope, we can see the material inclinations and earthly pleasures of the person;
  • Venus also stands for the precious stones, gems and jewellery, clothes and vehicles;
  • It denotes happiness, marital relationship and bed pleasures;
  • It resides in watery places, cinema, theatres, dancing houses and hotels. It is especially seen for artistic pursuits, as it is the master of 64 arts. It is also seen for income, poetry, music, kingdom, decoration, respect and auspicious occasions;
  • On the societal level, it stands for women, prostitutes, rulers and merchants. Amongst the animal world, it is peacock, elephants, bipeds, and horses.
Saturn’s characteristics, sign ()  

  • Scientifically, Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. A gas giant, it is the second-largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. It has large rings made out of ice and space debris;
  • Visibly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator, its interior has a rocky core at the center, a liquid metallic hydrogen layer above that and a molecular hydrogen layer above that;
  • Its hot interior reaches 12000 K at the core and radiates more energy into space than it receives;
  • The famous rings were first observed by Galileo Galilei in 1610. Giovanni Domenico Cassini discovered the composition of the rings in 1675;
  • Saturn has 34 Moons, 30 of which have names and the most famous being Titan;
  • Saturn takes 30 ‘earth’ years to revolve around the Sun. Hence, it stays for 2.5 years in each of the 12 signs / houses.


  • Saturn has been maligned since time unknown as a pain giver and separator. But it actually stands for the development of self-discipline, self-respect, faith in one’s destiny and being at peace with solitude;
  • Its symbol is god’s sickle. According to Roman mythology, Saturn was the god of fertility and agriculture. The Hindus show him as a god with four hands riding upon a chariot or a buffalo or a vulture. He holds an arrow, a bow and a javelin in three hands and the fourth is in varadamudra;
  • Saturn rules over the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. While he is the ardent and tenacious worker in Capricorn, he is the innovator in Aquarius;
  • Saturn is said to be sad, morose, cold and presides over the left leg;
  • He represents long-term planning, and the principles of limitation, restrictions, boundaries, reality, crystallizing and structures;
  • Saturn looks at the third, seventh and tenth houses from where it is placed;
  • It stands for the west direction. It denotes stability and livelihood;
  • Its resides in dilapidated structures, dirty houses, battlefields and desert areas;
  • A happy Saturn can make life bliss with public support for you. Its metal is iron and black urad (black lentils).
Rahu’s characteristics, sign ()  

  • The Moon revolves around the Earth in an ecliptical orbit. The ancient monks (known as ‘rishis’) understood the effects of Moon, especially when the moon was closest or far away. The imaginary node in the northern sky, when the moon is farthest, and it’s orbit intersects earth’s orbital path around the Sun, has been denoted as “Rahu” and the opposite side, which is closest, has been denoted as “Ketu”;
  • There are a few legends, and according to one, Rahu is given the power to cause eclipses. Thus, in both lunar and solar eclipses, Sun and Moon are caught in Rahu and Ketu axis.


  • Rahu is tall, dirty and black in colour, tunes to the colours blue/black/ smoky shades, speaks ill of others and is the lord of the Southwest;
  • It signifies skin diseases, accidents, intrigues and foreign travels. The diseases caused are epilepsy, small pox, leprosy, tuberculosis, malaria and itches;
  • Rahu can be very deceptive and illusionary. It also stands for a lot of interaction with people from other communities and cultures;
  • It is always in retrograde motion, staying in one sign for one and a half years. Its friends are Venus, Saturn and Mercury.
  • On the negative side Rahu can give addictions and thieving tendencies. It represents metals, and brings material gain.
Ketu’s characteristics, sign ()  

  • Ketu is tall, dark in colour, fiery and harsh in speech;
  • Rahu is said to be like Saturn and Ketu like Mars;
  • In general, most of the effects of Ketu are opposite to that of Rahu, e.g. if Rahu is materialistic then Ketu tends to the spiritual;
  • Like the Moon, Ketu deals with the mind, and is responsible for a host of mental ailments.
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